Health News

Remember the Sunscreen?
As skin cancer rates continue to remain high, doctors are encouraged to educate patients about the benefits of using sunscreen to lower their risk of developing the condition.
The Ache on the Joints of Bigger Women
Excessive pounds can put added pressure on the joints of obese individuals. Man or woman, that added pressure may contribute to arthritis. But new research suggests that obesity may have a bigger impact on arthritis in women than in men.
Good News for Women's Hearts
Heart disease is a serious threat to women, yet clinical trials of one of the most common treatments for this condition have not included many women.
Carpal Tunnel Soothed by Steroids
Steroid injections are often used to treat symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Evidence was lacking about how well steroid injections treated carpal tunnel past the first month. A recent study was conducted to shed light on this question.
An Infection-Cognition Connection
Many older adults deal with chronic health conditions as they age.  And according to a new study, these chronic conditions often seem to be preceded by a single infection in elderly patients. 
Cancer-Causing Chemical in Shampoos?
Take a look at the ingredients in your shampoo. If you can pronounce any of the names or know what they do, you’re probably a chemist. One of those many-syllabled ingredients may cause cancer, and an environmental group wants to get it out of your hair.
Good Old X-Rays For Spotting Lung Cancer
Chest X-rays are cheaper than CT scans, but are not routinely used to screen people who are at risk for lung cancer.
Nexavar Gets FDA Nod for Thyroid Cancer
Most thyroid cancers are treatable, even curable. However, as with most cancers, once spreading (metastasis) begins, tumors are more difficult to treat. A medication is being evaluated to strengthen the arsenal against advanced thyroid cancer.
HRT-Related Breast Cancer Risks Vary
In the late 1990s, medicines that helped women with menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, were widely prescribed. That changed in 2003 after a large study found that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) increased breast cancer risks.
Comparing Schedules for Infant Vaccines
According to researchers behind a new study, pneumococcal disease is one of the leading vaccine-preventable causes of childhood death in the world.