Health News

Does Insomnia Help - or Hurt - Your Lifespan?
It is not uncommon for adults to complain of having more difficulty sleeping as they grow older. But just because a senior experiences insomnia does not mean it puts their health at risk.
Pop Singers Advertise Alcohol Brands
Popular music artists often sing about partying and drinking. Many underage kids listen to those songs, which sometimes can sound like advertisements for specific brands of alcohol.
Making a Serious Illness Even Rarer
One of the childhood vaccinations recommended by the CDC is the one for pneumococcal bacteria. This bacteria can cause some types of meningitis.
More Pillow Time, Less Weight Worries for Teens
Teens may be famous for not getting all the sleep they need — or getting too much. Either way, getting sufficient sleep may be important for both their weight and mental health.
Are Your Teens Up to Date on Their Shots?
The best way to avoid the negative effects of an infectious disease is to avoid getting the disease in the first place. That is exactly what keeping up with your vaccinations is intended to do.
Depression Different for Men Than Women
Symptoms of depression may not be the same for both men and women. But these differences don’t mean that depression is more common for one gender over the other.
Taking Antidepressants When the Baby's Due
Women who have anxiety or depression have important decisions to make about their medications when they are pregnant. Though these medications may carry some risks, not taking them has risks too.
Mystery Surrounds HPV Vaccination Patterns
Cervical cancer isn’t all that common in this country anymore. Virtually all of the cases that do develop arise because of the human papillomavirus (HPV). Two vaccines are available to attack the major cancer-causing strains of this virus. But not all young women get vaccinated.
The Long and Winding Cancer Road
Treatments for cancers afflicting young people have improved vastly over the years. For example, survival rates have never been higher for Hodgkin lymphoma, one of the most common cancers in young adults.
An Apple a Day Keeps the Diabetes Away?
Should the saying really be, "An apple a day keeps diabetes away?" A new study hints that maybe so.