Health News

Drinking Could Be Cancerous for Young Women
It is certainly not uncommon for women to try alcohol during their teen years. And partying during college is almost the norm. But alcohol use during these years could be dangerous for some young women.
Sharing a Womb and Sharing Autism
Although the exact cause of autism is unknown, genes are thought to play a role. For that reason, siblings and some half-siblings of individuals with autism may be at a higher risk for developing autism, according to recent research.
Grandma, What a Big Job You Have!
Almost four million grandmothers live in homes with their grandchildren. About a third of these women are also the main "parents" for their grandchildren, which can take a toll.
Controlling Diabetes and Cancer Risks
A great deal of research has been focused on cancer risks among people living with diabetes. Recent studies examined the impact that a certain diabetes medicine may have on the cancer risks of diabetes patients.
Weighing the Flu Shot Risks
All types of preventive medicine offer benefits and risks, and vaccines are no exception. But often, the risks related to getting a disease may be greater than the risks of the vaccine.
The Safety of Snacking While Giving Birth
Once a woman enters the stages of labor, there is no telling how long it might be before the baby arrives. If her labor lasts a long time, is it safe for the woman to eat or drink?
Rx to Protect HIV Patients from TB
People with HIV have weakened immune systems, so they are more likely to catch harmful diseases like tuberculosis. However, new research suggests that a certain prevention therapy could significantly reduce that risk.
Exercise Your Way to Better Sleep
As people get older, a good night's sleep can be harder to come by, but exercise may offer a restful solution.
Tropical Fever Fears in Florida
Dengue fever affects millions of people each year in the world's tropics and sub-tropics. The US isn't usually at much of a risk, but Florida has seen several cases so far this year.
Melanoma Not Just a Light-Skinned Cancer
Melanoma — the most dangerous type of skin cancer — is one of the fastest growing forms of cancer in the US. And while it’s most common in white people, melanoma is also seen in Hispanics and blacks.