Health News

No Need to Worry About Young Stutterers
If a young child begins to stutter while speaking, parents may worry the child will suffer setbacks in language or social development. But the opposite may be true.
No Rush to Get an MRI
Magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI, is often used to diagnose low back pain. MRIs can be useful if there are warning signs that suggest a more serious problem.
TB in the UK
Although tuberculosis (TB) is a preventable and curable disease, it still causes death and illness, especially in developing countries. And even developed countries are not out of the danger zone, particularly as immigration and travel help spread the disease. 
Study for Your Cancer Tests
There’s a lot of talk these days about screening for, diagnosing and treating cancer. One argument is that Americans are being over-screened, over-diagnosed and over-treated for the disease. A new study adds evidence to this argument.
Safe, New Ways to Make a Baby
For couples unable to conceive a baby on their own, technology has made tremendous strides in helping them. Even men who cannot produce sperm in their semen have good options.
A Jab in the Arm for Heart Health
Most people get the flu vaccine for the obvious reason: to protect them from the flu. But there may be other benefits to the shot as well.
Eating More When Drinking
Pints of beer and cocktails are full of calories, which can be a problem when watching your weight. It is possible that the alcohol may cause you to make poor diet choices, as well.
Quitting Smoking for Your Baby — Before Birth
Quitting smoking at any time is tough. The extra effort to quit smoking while pregnant, however, can significantly benefit your baby.
Ladies, Wanna Cut Your Cancer Risks?
It’s now thought that a large proportion of cancers are associated with carrying too much weight. Nearly half of all cases of one type of female cancer are linked to obesity. Researchers have drilled down on weight and uterine cancer risks.
How are Allergies Linked to ADHD?
There has been some evidence that children with ADHD may be more likely to have asthma or allergies as well. New research looked to examine the issue.