Health News

Can Bumps to the Head Change Behavior?
Athletes in contact sports generally wear protective gear and take various other safety precautions. Even so, injuries do occur, including ones that can lead to brain damage.
Diabetes Risk in Kids Tied to Antipsychotic Meds
Medications used to treat mental health disorders can have serious side effects. Researchers wanted to know if these medications could lead to weight gain and increased diabetes risk in children and teens like they do in adults.
Knee Surgery Good for the Greater Good
Patients usually see a big difference in quality of life after knee surgery, but the procedure does not come cheaply. An average knee replacement surgery costs around $20,000.
Live Birds a Salmonella Source
The word Salmonella often brings to mind eating contaminated food, like chicken or eggs. But live poultry can also be a carrier for the bacteria and people can become ill through contact with these animals.
Oral Health May be Linked to Oral Cancers
Cancers that show up in the mouth, tongue, throat and voice box have been increasing. A viral infection is behind some of this trend. Now, scientists have a better understanding of what may contribute to these infections.
The Lasting Marks of a Bully
It may seem as though the idea of the class bully has been around as long as classrooms have, or longer. But that doesn't mean bullying should be an acceptable rite of passage.
Good Night, Sleep Tight — Unless You're Pregnant
Any woman who has been pregnant can tell you that getting enough sleep becomes more challenging as her unborn baby grows. If a pregnant woman has other conditions, the challenge can be even greater.
Protecting Pancreas From Type 1 Damage
With type 1 diabetes, the body does not produce enough insulin to help cells take in blood sugar for energy. An experimental medication may help change that.
Debate Over Brain Cancer Rx Continues
Avastin (bevacizumab) is approved to treat a number of different cancers, including the most common form of brain cancer. A newly released study looked at how long people with the disease lived before and after this medication's approval.
Fatty Fish to Lower RA Risk
Even though the cause of rheumatoid arthritis remains unknown, researchers continue to find ways that could help people reduce their risk of this painful disease. A recent study found that a simple diet change might protect against the development of rheumatoid arthritis in women.