Health News

An Apple a Day May Help Keep an Aneurysm Away
Want to maintain healthy blood flow? Eat fruit. Consuming more fruit may help prevent a number of vascular diseases, including a condition that strikes the body’s main blood vessel.
More Fiber, Less Tummy Trouble
With inflammatory bowel disease, the immune system attacks the body’s cells instead of foreign cells, causing severe tummy trouble. It has been suggested that a high-fiber diet may help keep these diseases at bay.
Pain Relief After Wisdom Teeth Removal
After a person has their wisdom teeth pulled, pain management is the next step. Prescription painkillers alone may not be as effective as an over-the-counter combo.
Non-Believers of Breast Cancer Risk
About one in eight American women will develop breast cancer at some point in her lifetime. That’s what the American Cancer Society estimates. A woman’s actual personal risk is based on many individual factors, though.
Certain Beer Brands Fuel ER Injuries
Alcohol is involved in many accidents and injuries that send people to the emergency room (ER). In a recent study, researchers wanted to see what specific types of alcoholic beverages people were drinking before they found themselves in the ER.
Climbing Incomes May Raise Diabetes Rate
Southerners have a higher rate of diabetes than people in the North or West. Income growth may have played a role, as people consumed more processed foods and became less active.
Wait! Watching Prostate Cancer May Be Okay
Men have gotten a lot of conflicting information  relating to prostate cancer screening  over the past few years.  How often to get screened and when to treat a prostate tumor has been extensively debated.  New research may clear up some of the confusion.
Doctors Unaware of Epilepsy Rx Side Effects
Doctors tend to be regarded as the experts when prescribing medications; however, new research may cast doubt on this assumption.
Working Up a Sweat to Stave Off Stroke
A stroke can be a scary, even deadly, medical emergency. But before this emergency strikes, there are several lifestyle changes that can help people lower their risk of stroke. Some regular exercise may be one of those changes.
Stents vs. Surgery for Clogged Arteries
People with peripheral arterial disease  (PAD)  in the legs may not need to go to the extremes of surgery to treat their condition.