Health News

Saving 175 Jumbo Jets Full of Men
The results were exciting — a study revealed that a medication lowered prostate cancer risks by nearly 25 percent. But researchers found that men taking the medication who did develop prostate cancer tended to have a more aggressive disease.
Unequal Treatment for Psoriasis?
The type of medical care patients get depends on several factors. Some patients with psoriasis, or the arthritis that can accompany psoriasis, don't believe they get enough quality care.
Fewer Cuts to the Gut
New medications have improved the quality of life for patients with inflammatory bowel disease. But when these treatments fail to relieve symptoms, bowel surgery may be required.
Are You Ready to Run the Race?
In school, children are screened to make certain they are healthy enough to play sports, and elite athletes have complete physicals before competing in events. But what about adults participating in sports and races?
Don't Overdose on Cartoons
Fond memories of Count von Count may be how many people remember first learning about numbers. Educational shows like Sesame Street may be helpful for school success, but too much TV in general may not.
Cancer Not So Viral After All
Viruses don’t just cause the common cold. No, these germs can be involved in far more serious diseases, including cancer. At one point, scientists believed nearly half of all tumors were caused by viral infections. A new study says that figure is way too high.
It Hurts — But Is an X-Ray Needed?
Twisted and sprained ankles are as common in childhood as hide and seek. Just as parents have to decide when an injury is serious enough to go to the ER, doctors have to decide if x-rays are needed.
Tainted Tempeh
Salmonella , the notorious foodborne bacteria, is often associated with animal products like chicken or eggs.  But a recent study from the CDC explored a new vehicle for the bacteria — a vegetarian meat substitute called tempeh .
Shipments of Cyclospora-Linked Salads Halted
The investigation into cases of cyclosporiasis (infection with the foodborne parasite  Cyclospora ) continue this week as infection counts across the US rise.
What Might Breastfeeding Now Mean Later?
Most mothers have the option of feeding their child formula or breastfeeding, or a mixture of both. Choosing breastfeeding might have benefits for children's weight down the line.