Health News

What Sleep Apnea May Mean for Your Eyes
Difficulty sleeping may not be the only problem associated with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). A type of glaucoma may also be associated with this sleep disorder.
More than a Helmet for Head Protection
It may be impossible to entirely avoid head collisions  in football, but it is possible to minimize them, at least for young football players. Minimizing head collisions can save young athletes from concussions and other heavy knocks to the noggin .
Minute-by-Minute for Weight Loss
Ten minutes doesn’t seem like much time to exercise. But if that’s all you have, it can still help with weight loss in the long run.
Mental Health Can Affect Your Heart
Many physical health and lifestyle factors are considered when determining a person's risk of heart disease. Did you know that your mental health history could be equally as important?
What You Need to Know Before Ovarian Surgery
About one out of 70 women will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer in their lifetime. Surgically removing the ovaries is one way to prevent this cancer.
Do Camels Hold the Key to MERS?
The MERS virus has been a big question mark for health officials around the globe. Many important questions still need to be answered about the new virus. Where did it come from? How does it spread? What steps will help prevent it?
Got Dairy?
As people get older, they tend to lose muscle mass and are at an increased risk for fractures and other injuries. Eating and drinking more dairy may help protect older folks from such risks.
Double the Cancer Behind the Smoke
Smoking is known to increase the risk of cancer. Do smokers who survive their first cancer have to worry about developing another cancer?
West Nile Season in Full Swing
Those buzzing mosquitos are annoying and their bites cause an uncomfortable itch. But when the West Nile virus is involved, mosquito bites can be more than just annoying.
If Your Heart Stops, Gym May Be the Best Place to Be
As the name implies, sudden cardiac arrest can happen anytime, any place and without warning. The odds of survival, though, may be greater if it strikes at a fitness facility.