Health News

Gut Feeling About Cancer
In patients with celiac disease, the immune system attacks the patient's own body and causes damage to the lining of the gut. The disease has been linked to a higher risk of lymphoma, a type of blood cancer.
Lifestyles of the Happy
Depression and anxiety can be difficult to overcome, and medications can often help. Some lifestyle changes may help, as well.
In Search of the Source of Pain
Fibromyalgia is a disorder affecting  about two percent of people  with symptoms such as widespread pain, fatigue and sensitivity to pressure. The cause and cure for fibromyalgia is unknown. 
Years of Rx May Increase Cancer Risks
Millions of people rely on calcium channel blockers to control their blood pressure.  They are among the most widely prescribed medications in the US. New research suggests that long-term use of these medications may impact cancer risks.
Diabetes Rx Shrinks Cancer Deaths
A common diabetes medication — metformin — is proving itself to be multi-talented. It’s an inexpensive, highly effective medicine that does more than lower blood sugar levels. Metformin is becoming something of a star in the cancer world.
Smoking Ban at Casinos Lowers Health Gamble
When it comes to heart and lung health, Colorado gamblers may have hit the jackpot. Since the ban on smoking in casinos in the state, ambulance calls in one county have dropped.
Suspensions Announced in MLB Doping Scandal
There's been a lot of news about the use of performance-enhancing drugs — or doping — in professional sports. But it's not just famous athletes who are using these drugs; young athletes are doping too.
Restaurant Salads Indicated in Outbreak
Officials have been working to pinpoint the source of a foodborne parasite that has been causing illness across the US this summer. Now they may have found one culprit.
A Booster Shot for Leukemia
Bone marrow transplants are a possible treatment for chronic lymphocytic leukemia, a type of blood cancer, when it cannot be controlled by chemotherapy.
A Sight for Sore Eyes
Improvements in medical technology and knowledge have meant tremendous progress in taking care of babies born extremely early and/or small. But many of these children still may face future challenges.