Health News

A Combo a Day Keeps Surgery Away
The body’s immune system is a line of defense against infection. But sometimes, the immune system acts up and attacks the body’s cells.
Investigating Asthma During Pregnancy
Pregnant women should always let their doctor know about health issues they might have. Often, these issues will not change their healthcare plan. Other times, it may mean more careful monitoring.
Smoke-Free Doesn’t Kill Appetites
When you’re hungry, you may want to inhale a meal but not secondhand smoke. State laws prohibiting smoking in restaurants are delivering health benefits and not eating away at business.
What Difference Do Antioxidants Make?
Couples going through infertility difficulties are often anxious to try any possible treatment that may help in conceiving a baby. It's important to know what can actually make a difference in conceiving.
Even for Tots, Sugary Drinks Mean More Pounds
A tall cup of "bug juice" may call to mind memories of lazy summers during your childhood. But children today have many more options for sugary drinks — and it's making a difference to their waistlines.
Parents, Teach Your Children About Smoking
"Do as I say, not as I do," may be an attractive saying for parents, but it may not work very well. When it comes to smoking in particular, children often follow their parents' examples.
The Stuff You Want Snuffed Out
They say where there's smoke, there's fire. But even if there's not smoke, there could still be a problem — when you're talking about tobacco and kids, that is.
Peripheral Artery Disease Rate Soars
Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a condition in which narrowed arteries reduce blood flow to the limbs. The disease not only causes leg pain, but also triples the risk for heart attack or stroke. And it seems rates of PAD have risen worldwide.
Links Between Epilepsy and Cancer?
Here’s an interesting fact. Epilepsy is fairly common in Denmark. About 1.5 percent of the Danish population has this brain disorder that causes seizures. A recent study looked at cancer risks associated with the disease and its treatment.
Taking the Appeal Out of Cigarette Packages
Consumers are told not to judge a book by its cover, but sometimes it’s hard not to. For cigarette smokers, the way the package is designed does seem to have an impact on its appeal.