Health News

Salad Suspected In Summer Outbreak
The foodborne parasite Cyclospora has been causing infections across the US this summer, leaving authorities searching for a culprit.
Spotting and Managing Concussions
Concussions can be scary and confusing, but usually they leave no long-term damage if they are treated quickly.
Exercise Role Models
Childhood obesity is a common problem for many children with special needs. Both an unhealthy diet and a lack of exercise contribute to this problem. Parents may be able to change at least one of those unhealthy habits by setting a good example.
Cancer Crystal Balls
Lymph nodes appear throughout the body to help fend off invaders. When cancer cells enter lymph nodes, lymph vessels can carry the cancer to other parts of the body. That’s why doctors examine the lymph nodes closest to the tumor — the sentinel lymph nodes — to check for the presence of cancer.
A Connection Between Blood and the Brain?
Dementia is one of those tricky conditions that can be difficult to understand. There are likely many different factors contributing to dementia, and even something as seemingly unrelated as a blood disorder may be involved.
When Moms Can Give Babies a Shot
Vaccines protect people from diseases. Pregnant women who get vaccinated can pass on that protection to their developing babies. And it seems some of that protection may last even after birth.
Sugar Coating Uterine Cancer Risks
From a health perspective, we’re learning that sugar isn’t all that sweet for the body. In addition to obesity, sugary foods and drinks are associated with a number of diseases, with cancer now being one of them.
The Lives of Women with Endometriosis
Endometriosis is a common health problem for women. This condition can be very painful, and researchers are learning more about how that pain and other symptoms can affect patients' quality of life.
What About Ibuprofen During Pregnancy?
Pregnant women must be cautious about the medications they take because of possible effects to the developing baby. Even over-the-counter medications may have long-term effects.
Early Detection of Alzheimer's
There may be a way to detect Alzheimer's disease sooner. Alzheimer's disease is a form of dementia that causes memory loss and problems with thinking. Currently, Alzheimer's can only be diagnosed with certainty after a person has died.