Health News

Weight Control for the Active Athlete
In a time where more people are overweight, many young athletes may come to their sport carrying some extra pounds. These athletes may want to  lose weight to compete hard and improve performance. But  it can be hard to keep off that weight all year round. So, how can athletes maintain a healthy weight?
Can Cancer Cancel Alzheimer's?
Alzheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia. Alzheimer's is not a normal part of aging, although it typically develops in later adulthood. Research is ongoing to find causes and cures for Alzheimer's, including links between Alzheimer's and other diseases. 
Heart Disease: It’s Not Just for Men
Coronary artery disease is seen by many as a man's disease. This potentially fatal heart problem, though, strikes at least as many women as men.
Hepatitis is a Global Concern
Ask some people to name the world's most dangerous diseases and they just may tick off several illnesses that dominate health news headlines. Hepatitis also should be on their radar, according to organizers of World Hepatitis Day.
This Old Man…Is Pretty Healthy!
It's no secret that Americans' life expectancy has been gradually increasing. This is great news — as long as adults can spend those extra years happy and healthy.
When Video Gaming Gets Too Serious
Video games can be great for having fun, and they can even help develop spatial and problem-solving skills. But too much of a good thing might be a problem for some kids.
Breathing Easier While Growing Up
Asthma is a fairly common respiratory condition for children. But just because someone has asthma as a kid does not necessarily mean they're stuck with the condition for life.
Don't Let Johnny Choke on His Food
Children love to put things in their mouths, which is a common cause of choking. But food is supposed to go in children's mouths — and food can cause choking too.
Industrial Pollution Not Just Dirty
Benzene is a chemical that’s used in the making of all sorts of products, ranging from plastics to detergents. It’s also a chemical that’s been linked to blood cancers.
Live Healthy Today, Stay Active Tomorrow
Whether it is driving yourself to the grocery store or performing routine housework, staying independent in old age can make life much easier. New research suggests that to have independence later in life, everyone should pick up healthy habits today.