Health News

Making the Most of a New Kidney
If your kidneys are failing, you may have sought an opportunity to be on the kidney transplant list. What can you do while you're waiting to get the most out of a transplant?
Family Cancer Ties Run Deep
If a woman’s mother, sister or daughter has had breast cancer, she has increased risks of developing the disease herself. But is this woman at greater risk of other types of cancer, too?
HPV Expanding its Cancer Roster
It’s well known that the human papillomavirus (HPV) is linked to cervical cancer. The virus is also associated with other genital cancers, as well as anal cancer. But another cancer may be added to this list.
Minty Fresh But Still a Killer
Don’t let the minty taste fool you. Menthol cigarettes have a cooling flavor which makes them easier to start smoking and more difficult to quit, according to the FDA.
Lead in the Hot Sauce
Extra heat may not be the only thing you're getting from your hot sauce. By putting it on your food, you could also be adding significant amounts of lead.
Hope for Easier Transplant Tests
Even after a kidney disease patient gets a long-awaited kidney transplant, the battle isn't over yet. The patient has to be closely watched to make sure the body accepts the new organ. New  research suggests that less invasive tests for kidney rejection may soon be an option.
Ticks Hold the Key to Heartland Virus
As if Lyme disease wasn't enough, people now have a brand new reason to keep tick bites at bay.
A Stuffy Nose — and a Baby in the Tummy
Pregnancy can bring joy, but it can also bring various discomforts — especially if you get a cold while pregnant. Is there anything you can take for your sinuses while pregnant?
Jaw Dropping Cancer Therapy Side Effects
Medications that fight cancer are designed to extend life. Some medicines, though, have serious side effects that can appear years after treatment. A new study looked at bone loss side effects of one medication.
A Fiery New Way to Sunburn
You use sunscreen spray to protect your skin from burning under the sun's harmful rays. But you probably don't worry much about your skin actually bursting into flame — at least not until now.