Health News

Medical Help to Quit Smoking
Quitting smoking is hard, but you don't have to do it alone. Some medical treatments have been shown to help.
With COPD, Beware of Tiny Brain Bleeds
Bleeding within the brain can be a sign of age-related mental decline to come. While this occurs more commonly among stroke victims, patients with COPD may be prone to this as well.
To Screen for Dementia or Not
Routine screening for certain diseases comes with aging. But among the general population, pricey screening tests for dementia may not provide any real benefit for seniors who are not at risk.
Breakfast-Skippers Beware
There may be more good reasons to call breakfast the most important meal of the day. The morning meal may make a big difference when it comes to heart health.
The Soothing Power of Music in the ER
A visit to the emergency room can be stressful for kids and parents. If a kid is about to get stuck with a needle, music may make everyone in the emergency room a little more comfortable.
Can't Count on Those Calorie Labels
Many restaurants today have joined the fight against obesity. Their menu labels tell diners how many calories each food item contains. But do these labels actually help diners make healthy choices?
Life Expectancy Differs Across State Lines
A healthy lifestyle depends on more than just your behavior or your genes. It may also depend on where you live. A recent study found that life expectancy changes significantly from state to state.
Boys With Blowguns
Whether it's online or in the real world, teens find ways to get into trouble. A new study highlights one bit of online information that could turn into a real-world problem for some teens.
A Parasite Strikes the Lone Star State
An outbreak of the foodborne illness  cyclosporiasis has caused over 45 infections in Texas.  T he public needs to be on alert for digestive symptoms.  Meanwhile, Texas health officials are on the hunt for a cause.
Mom, My Tummy Hurts!
Gluten-free diets have become very popular for kids with autism. Some parents report a gluten-free diet has improved both their kid’s tummy issues and behavior.