Health News

Can a Cocoa a Day Keep Dementia at Bay?
A cup of hot cocoa sounds delightful during the cold days of winter. It might perk you right up like a cup of coffee. But does it make a difference to your brain?
Ohio Outbreak Hits Retirement Community
Ohio is in the midst of an outbreak of Legionnaire's disease, a serious illness caused by the bacteria Legionella .
Can Bird Flu Spread Between People?
When H7N9, a strain of bird flu, began infecting people in China last spring, officials and scientists worldwide tried to quickly learn more about this new virus.
Don't Miss a Chance at Disease Protection
Many parents are aware of the vaccines that babies are recommended to get through their second birthday. But fewer parents may realize that teens should stay up to date with immunizations too.
How Women Choose: Breast or Bottle
When a new baby is on the way, a mother may think of all sorts of plans she has for her child. But when the little bundle arrives, some of those best laid plans may not pan out.
Taking the Edge Off With Alcohol?
A traumatic event sometimes leads traumatized people to try and ease the pressure by, among other means, drinking too much alcohol. But there are healthier, more effective ways to treat post-traumatic stress disorder.
Preemptive Strike Against Polio in Israel
Polio is a virus that the world has largely beaten. However, lingering pockets of the disease still pose a serious threat.
She's Gone Country — and She's Happy
City life can be more chaotic than country living, with the honking horns, sirens and lights late into the night. Perhaps the more hectic environments of urban areas explain recent findings related to postpartum depression.
Keeping Cool While Working Out
Choosing the right workout gear is important for healthy exercise. Clothing that traps heat may raise body temperature and even cause heat strokes.
Tamoxifen Benefits BRCA Carriers Too
Breast cancer survivors are often prescribed medication after their initial therapy. These medicines reduce the level of estrogen, the hormone that drives most breast cancers. It’s not known, though, if women with BRCA gene mutations benefit from these medications.