Health News

Walking Easier with Muscular Dystrophy
Tasks as simple as walking can be difficult for patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. The disorder causes the body to produce too little dystrophin, a necessary protein for muscles. Without this protein, muscles continue to worsen.
Do It Yourself Bed Bug Trap
Bedbugs are notoriously difficult to get rid of. One of the reasons is because the insects are hard to find until the infestation is high. Bed bugs hide and only emerge at night to feed.
Teen Habits and Brain Health
Being mentally fit depends upon a number of factors. Some of that mental fitness is determined by genetics, some by daily choices and habits — good ones and bad.
Preemies: Keep a Close Watch on That Heart
Even when babies are born prematurely, they often lead healthy, normal lives. However, “preemies” can face increased health risks, including some that can affect their hearts in adulthood.
Can Vitamin D Lower Blood Pressure?
Supplementing their daily diet with extra doses of certain nutrients is how many people seek better health. Vitamin D is one supplement that some people take in hopes of lowering high blood pressure. But whether vitamin D actually reduces that problem is an ongoing question.
Watching Head Injury Without CT
Head injuries are scary for parents. Hundreds of thousands of children go to the hospital each year for head injuries but fortunately, few of those injuries are serious.
Rx Treats the Gut, but Upsets the Blood
Patients with ulcerative colitis can be treated effectively with a class of medications called thiopurines . But taking these medications over a long period of time can have some negative effects.
Celebrating Centers for Care
Health care is often seen as a basic need. But for those dealing with tough  economic  times, layoffs or language barriers, this basic need can be difficult to access and afford.  It's for this reason that Community Health Centers exist.
Cyclospora Sources Still at Large
Progress was made last week when officials pinned down a salad mix as the source of Cyclospora  infections (called cyclosporiasis) in Iowa and Nebraska.
Do Probiotics Work for Diarrhea in the Hospital?
Several probiotic foods and beverages on the market claim to help with gut health. But do they really work for everyone?