Health News

Step Up Your Exercise for Your Bones
There are many benefits to being physically active. For older women, one of those benefits may run as deep as the bones.
To Drink or Not: The Reason Matters
Of course heavy drinking is unhealthy, but is it better to have one drink per day or not drink at all? The answer may depend on other lifestyle factors, such as people's reasons for not drinking.
The Numbers on Lyme Disease
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently gave an estimate of how many Americans are infected with Lyme disease annually.
Teen Fibromyalgia Can Become an Adult Problem
Fibromyalgia is a painful disorder that mainly affects adult women, but teens can develop the condition as well. A recent study explored whether teens with fibromyalgia still had symptoms as adults.
Doubling the Use of Gold Standard Stroke Rx
More stroke patients than ever are getting the only FDA-approved treatment for dissolving blood clots. While its use has steadily climbed, the medication is still not reaching all eligible patients.
Mouthwash for Sensitive Teeth
If you have sensitive teeth, you know that it can be a pain — literally. New research shows that a certain mouthrinse could provide relief for people with dental sensitivity.
Heat Waves Can Stir Up Tummy Troubles
Excessive heat can be both physically and emotionally draining. Besides being a nuisance, heat waves can also cause certain conditions to flare up.
Reducing Tooth Decay in Children
Children tend to have a difficult time maintaining a clean mouth. And an unclean mouth can lead to a host of dental problems, including tooth decay. With that in mind, researchers recently set out to see if fluoride varnish was effective and safe for preventing tooth decay in children and teens.
New Device Restores Normal Heartbeat
For some with an abnormal heartbeat, an implanted device can restore a normal rhythm and prevent the heart from stopping. The device delivers a shock that can put the heart back on track.
What's in a Breast Cancer's Name?
For some prostate cancers, taking a wait-and-see approach is the best option. That’s because many of these cancers won’t ever become life-threatening. This same approach may be appropriate for and preferred by women with a specific type of breast tumor.