Health News

Gum Infection and Birth Problems
Expectant mothers must pay detailed attention to their health so they have the best chance of giving birth with no complications. And oral health is no exception. 
Menthols Remain Popular With Teens
Menthol cigarettes are no safer than regular cigarettes. But the unique flavor and “cooling” effect may be especially appealing to teens and young adults.
An Alternative to Pesky Adult Pant Liners
Frequent leaks or dribbles of urine in the elderly may not only be bothersome, but caregivers might also end up spending a fortune on liners and institutional care.
Pre-Pregnancy Test for Gestational Diabetes
With gestational diabetes, pregnant women have high blood sugar levels that can seriously harm their baby’s health. Hormone testing before pregnancy may help catch those who are at high risk for this condition.
A New and Better Version of a Vaccine
As new and better vaccines are developed, they must be tested for safety and effectiveness. New vaccines for children must also be tested along with currently available vaccines.
Exercise to Help Your Kidneys
There are many benefits to exercise, but sometimes people may not get the exercise they need due to a chronic disease. For this reason, these people may need some guidance to better reap the benefits of exercise.
Watching Children for Concussions
Concussions can happen when children play sports. When an athlete returns to the game after a concussion, the coaches and trainers may rely on the child to report their symptoms.
Parents Team Up with Doctors for ADHD
With many medical conditions, a variety of treatments may be available to choose from. Parents can sometimes play a role in helping doctors select appropriate treatments for their child.
Are You Ready for Flu Season?
With autumn right around the corner, flu season is lurking around the bend. Now is a good time to make plans to protect your family from the flu.
Antibiotics May Trigger Blood Sugar Swings
Fluoroquinolones are commonly prescribed to treat urinary tract infections and other illnesses. Recently, these antibiotics have been shown to cause potentially harmful side effects.