Health News

Cancer Screens: Agreeing to Disagree
For years, people have been told that cancer screenings save lives. Recently, though, some organizations have said that some cancer screenings may be more harmful than helpful.
Outside the Guidelines With Cancer Screening
There's no guarantee of avoiding any kind of cancer, but some cancers have better chances for prevention than others. Several practices can help prevent cervical cancer, but do all doctors follow them?
Signs No Longer Point to Pandemic
MERS, the latest virus to spark global concern, has had health officials worldwide nervous about possible widespread outbreaks. But new research may ease concerns.
It's 8 PM. Is Your Child in Bed Yet?
Children can be masterful at trying to get out of a regular bedtime. As clever as they may be in avoiding going to bed, that cleverness may not pay off for them later on.
Smells Like Cancer
Did you know that dogs are able to sniff out certain types of cancer? Man’s best friend can be trained to pick up odors in urine that signal bladder cancer. But having labs in the lab isn’t practical.
Do Daily Vitamins Work Against Cancer?
Lots of people swear by their daily vitamins and other supplements. Taking them, many believe, helps them achieve better health.
Being on Your Own as You Age
Self-care helps shape the quality of life for most people. That is no less true for many aging individuals, who also desire to dress and feed themselves, get around on their own and so forth.
Too Many Cholesterol Tests?
Lipid panels are tests used to measure cholesterol in blood. While these tests can indicate a possible risk for heart disease, many heart patients may be getting unnecessary testing.
Sleeping Like a Baby — Without a Flat Head
Placing babies on their backs to sleep reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. But sleeping on their backs may make it easier for babies to develop a flat spot on their heads.
Binge Drinking and Pregnancy Don't Mix
It is already known that drinking during pregnancy can affect the growing baby's brain and development. But different amounts of alcohol drunk at different times in a pregnancy may have different effects.