Health News

Yep, Kids Get Arthritis Too
Painful and achy joints aren't just for the elderly. Kids get arthritis too. And to create more awareness of this childhood condition, July has been designated as Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month.
Pay More, Expect the Same
Rheumatoid arthritis can cause severe pain and stiff joints that make it hard for some patients to do their jobs. In fact, this disease is estimated to be responsible for a yearly cost of $11 billion due to work days lost.
Your Mind's Stockpile Against MS
Multiple sclerosis (MS) can seriously affect a person's ability to learn and remember information. But spending the time for leisurely learning early in life may help protect against this mental decline.
Telling Your Kids About Your Cancer Risk
Let's say breast cancer runs in your family. So you decide to have genetic testing to learn your risks. The results of your test will affect your children. Would you tell your children the results or not? 
The Stress of Extra Weight on the Knee
Extra pounds from fat can stress the body in a number of ways. For older adults, excess weight can rub the knees the wrong way.
Very Low-Risk Cancer Not Black & White
Recently, men have been told to consider carefully watching instead of immediately treating prostate cancer. These recommendations reflect the fact that, in many men, prostate cancer is slow growing and may never cause a problem.
Using Your Feet to Build Up Weak Legs
Limbs slowed and weakened by arteries with plaque build-up can benefit from exercise. Sometimes, patients with those problems have no choice but to create their own exercise plans.
A Safer Heart After Kicking the Habit
Breaking the tobacco habit is a sensible goal of many smokers. Meeting that target has clear payoffs. For some, including older women, it also may raise concerns about weight gain.
Kids, Get Up and Dance Dance!
Perhaps kids would go outside and play more often if they weren't playing video games. Or perhaps they would get more exercise if they played active video games. Or maybe both are true!
How Night Shifts Breast Cancer Risks
Working at night causes changes in the body that can be harmful. In fact, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified night work as a "probable human carcinogen" in 2011.