Health News

Hidden Hazards of Potty Training?
All kinds of interesting mishaps can occur when toddlers are potty training. Some of those mishaps may be more painful than others for the little guys.
Eating Away Prostate Cancer
Once a person is diagnosed with cancer, can diet and exercise make a difference? You bet! Lifestyle is hugely important to keep cancer from progressing or returning.
Which Cancer Survivors Need to Keep Blocking
Medications that block estrogen can be life savers for some breast cancer survivors. But does this approach help all breast cancer survivors?
Stay Up Late, Eat More
The risk of becoming overweight if you don't get enough sleep has been known for a while among researchers. The question is what might be the cause of possible weight gain for sleep-deprived folks.
Carry-On Dialysis: It's Your Right
Wheelchairs, canes and oxygen have been allowed on board airplanes for some time. But not all assistive devices have been allowed for free. Dialysis machines for the kidneys were on that list.
Senior Care in the ER
A visit to the emergency room (ER) can be overwhelming for anyone. For senior patients, especially those who already need help from a caretaker, a visit to the ER can be overwhelming and quite risky.
Leukemia Survival Rates Have Soared
There have been numerous recent advances in cancer therapies and technologies. Some of them aim to cure cancer and others try to make lives better for those fighting the disease.
Fatty Fish Slim Breast Cancer Risks
You may have heard that fatty fish is good for you. Tuna, sardines and salmon contain a type of fat that helps the immune system and blood vessels. Scientists are now finding that fatty fish may help lower cancer risks.
Run for Your Life
It's difficult to list all the ways daily physical activity can improve your health. Having a good level of fitness can even relate to the quality of your mental health.
You Can Still Feel Sexy After Menopause
Has your sexual appetite gone down after menopause because of vaginal pain and discomfort? Is your intimate relationship suffering? Don't fret. You're not alone, and it can be treated!