Health News

Bone Density After Menopause
Maintaining strong bones as we age helps ensure a certain level of mobility and physical independence. Post-menopausal women whose bones might be prone to getting weaker and thinner often are scouting remedies to that.
Is MS in the Milk?
Scientists still don't know what causes multiple sclerosis (MS). It could be viruses, genetics or environmental factors, or a combination of all three. One new study suggests it could be the kind of work people do.
An Okay Shot for Pregnant Moms
A pregnant woman should stay as healthy as possible to keep her baby safe and healthy. This includes protecting herself from infectious diseases.
The Depression Isn't All in Your Head
Depression is thought of as a mental disorder, but it can affect the rest of the body too. Having symptoms of depression may be linked to risks for other diseases.
Can't Have an Omelette, but can Still Get the Flu Shot
The flu vaccine is one vital part of reducing your risk of flu. But what if you're allergic to eggs, which are used to make flu vaccines? There's a new option for you.
Some Kids’ Head Injuries Heal Slower
When your kid is out biking, playing baseball or doing some other physical activity, you may worry about their safety, especially if he or she has a mental health condition.
What To Do for Tots Getting Shots
It's not easy to watch your baby get their shots. Parents often ask whether it's helpful to give a child acetaminophen to reduce some of the pain and swelling that can result.
Rx Use More Common Than Not
As the aging population has increased, medication use has increased. Not telling healthcare providers about current medications can put a person at risk for a bad reaction.
A Little Love Goes a Long Way
Much research about bullying focuses on how bad it is or what causes it to happen. But it's just as important to know what helps those involved in bullying, for both victims and bullies alike.
Black and White Realities of ADHD
ADHD can be a challenging disorder for children if they do not receive treatment. Getting treatment requires that they be accurately identified in the first place.