Health News

For Diabetes, Some Need More Exercise
To stay fit, people are encouraged to work out at a moderate intensity level several times a week. Even with the same duration of exercise, some might not benefit from this regimen.
Cholesterol Rx Takes Care of Joints Too
A certain cholesterol-lowering medicine could knock two birds with one stone if patients' joints are hurting as well.
Possible Cocaine Substitute
Quitting any addiction cold turkey can be really tough. A replacement for cocaine, like methadone for heroin addicts, may pave the way for a new therapy to help addicts quit. 
Fireworks Fun and Safety
Skies lit up with fireworks often mark a July 4th holiday. It’s the on-the-ground activity surrounding those festivities that can be cause for serious concern.
Stress Makes for a Fragile Ticker
The heart is a tough muscle, but stress can take a real toll. After years of stress, that tough muscle may become more vulnerable to disease or heart attack.
Seat Belts Save Lives — Even Unborn Ones
It may seem inconvenient to get a seat belt around your belly while you're pregnant. But during pregnancy, wearing a seat belt is even more important if you're in an accident.
New Moms Need Their Blood Pressure Checked
Women who have pregnancy complications may feel relieved when a healthy delivery is in the past. But women who had high blood pressure while pregnant may want to let their doctor know.
Bigger Women May Seek Smaller Cuts
There is more than one way for a woman to get a hysterectomy, the procedure that removes a woman's uterus. Overweight women may want to explore those options.
Hormones Are No Heart Shield for Women
Women thinking about therapy to normalize their hormone levels have lots to keep in mind. For one, hormone therapy might not protect the heart.
Clot-Busting Rx Has Long-Term Benefits
When a person experiences stroke-like symptoms, receiving a clot-busting therapy right away can make a world of difference. Alteplase treatment may reduce long-term care and long-term costs.