Health News

Everyday Is a Good Day for HIV Testing
If you want to play a role in preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS, there are two great ways to do so. First, get tested. Next, get involved in this year's National HIV Testing Day.
Genes, Aspirin and Colon Cancer
Aspirin is far more than a pain reliever. This medicine is now known to play a role in lowering risks of some types of cancer. Recent research zeros in on the good aspirin does and doesn’t do.
Watch Your Head: Stroke After Brain Injury
About one in 53 Americans suffers a traumatic brain injury each year. This damage in the head may trigger an additional health problem: an increased likelihood of having a stroke.
Avoid the Tan, Man!
Teens and young adults often think of themselves as invincible. Nothing will overpower them. When it comes to skin cancer, though, they can be dead wrong.
Zip Codes Can Impact Breast Cancer Care
Where you live shouldn’t affect how you’re treated for cancer or any other disease. However, a recent study found that women living in rural communities could be getting better cancer care than they currently are.
Sexual Orientation is a Pediatric Issue
Young people who come out as gay may be faced with discrimination at school and even at home. The pediatrician's office could be one place these youth feel comfortable talking about their sexual identity.
How to Improve Stroke Care Conversations
Patients should learn as much as they can about their condition, and stroke patients are no exception. Healthcare systems, however, may not be adequately educating these patients.
Healthy Protection Against Alzheimer’s
There are many reasons to eat a healthy diet low in saturated fat and simple carbs. For individuals with a genetic risk for Alzheimer’s disease, a healthy diet may also help protect their brains.
Ouch! I Bonked my Head!
Many of us will remember what it was like to be an awkward, clumsy teenager. Remember bonking our heads on a door after staring a bit too long at our high school crush? How often are injuries like these serious?
Can Obese Teens Hear the Message?
Obesity has been linked to a wide range of health issues, even in children and teens. One of those issues may be greater risk for hearing loss.