Health News

Folks With RA May Tend to Avoid Booze
It’s hard to know why, but arthritis patients might be less likely to drink than people without arthritis. Researchers are unsure whether alcohol helped prevent arthritis or worsened symptoms.
Mindfulness in Schools
Teaching kids how to cope with the everyday stress of school and life may promote emotional well-being. Mindfulness coping strategies may also work to reduce depression.
Smoking Signals Big Surgery Risks
Surgery tends to make the body weaker and more vulnerable. So before being wheeled into the operating room, it's advisable to be in the best possible health.
Stroke Signs Warn of Brain Trouble Ahead
Even without having a stroke, people can have slight or fleeting stroke symptoms. Although some can seem harmless, these signs can be linked to thinking and memory problems to come.
Good News for Daycare Blues
Some moms may feel guilty about taking their children to daycare instead of staying home with them. But new research may help them feel better, especially if moms have depression symptoms.
Colorectal Cancer Patients Who Live Longer
One key to beating cancer often lies in early detection. This fact forms the basis for cancer screening guidelines. Researchers recently looked at how colorectal cancer screenings impact the course of the disease.
Too Much of a Good Vitamin
Vitamin supplements can be good for you, but even too much of a good thing can be bad. Too much vitamin C can increase the risk of kidney stones in men.
The Weight on the Joints
When pain from arthritis hits the joints, it can be hard to deal with. Patients can get a better grip on their joint pain if they take control of their weight.
Lab-Grown Vein Implanted in Kidney Patient
Dialysis treatment often requires connecting an artery to a vein with a synthetic vessel or one taken from the patient’s body. A lab-made vein may revolutionize this surgery.
Herbs That Aren’t Friendly to Kidneys
Supplements containing certain herbs, like ginseng, may be potentially harmful for people at risk for kidney disease. The herbs in question are pretty common and in wide use.