Health News

Anti-Balding Rx Doesn’t Mix With Alcohol
A male pattern baldness medication has been known to come with a few side effects. No longer wanting to drink, or being able to enjoy a drink, may be added to the list.
Not Just Celebrating Dad but All the Men
Father's Day is this Sunday. What's a better gift than tools or fancy watches? Helping him live a long, healthy life. 
More Dental Check-ups Better Than Fewer
It may seem like a hassle to go to the dentist for regular check-ups. But staying on top of dental health can help people keep their natural teeth, especially smokers and diabetics.
Weakened Immunity Disrupts Mood
Bodies in top-notch shape internally tend to defend themselves against infection and a variety of disease. When those inner defenses are down, however, body and mind alike can suffer.
Clues to Weight in Certain Plastics
Plastics have made life easier for millions of people across the world. Yet some plastics may contain compounds, like BPA, that are linked to health issues.
Berries Blamed for Hepatitis A Outbreak
Organic fruit may be produced without chemicals or pesticides, but that doesn't mean it is immune from being contaminated with foodborne illness. 
Chills Up the Spine with Steroid Shot
Lower back pain is a common and frustrating symptom that happens in most adults. A steroid shot to reduce swelling and pain can help. That shot, however, is not without risk.
Scrub-A-Dub-Dub Those Hands
Washing your hands after using the restroom is one of the most basic and important rules of hygiene. But that does not mean everyone actually does it — or does it correctly.
Speech-to-Text Unsafe for Drivers
Drivers can have their hands on the wheel and eyes on the road and still be distracted. Using a speech-to-text cell phone function while driving may still be dangerously distracting.
Too Big a Nightcap May Not Help Sleep
It may seem that throwing back extra drinks would help folks fall asleep faster and sleep better overall. But that may not be true for those having more than four drinks at a time.