Health News

Combining Healthy Strategies
We know we are supposed to make healthy lifestyle choices. But how much of an effect do choices like diet, exercise and non-smoking really have on our lifespan?
Clear Sight Helps With Balance
Part of a person’s sense of balance comes from the inner ear. But good eyesight may also help keep a person from tipping over.
The Oldest and the Youngest Mommies
The typical age for having children ranges from about age 20 to age 35. Many women who are older and younger have children, though. Does their age matter to their pregnancy?
What If the Big Toe Isn't the Culprit?
The most common place for gout to first show up is in the big toe. This form of arthritis causes painful swelling where the toe meets the foot. But that's not the only place gout starts.
RA Combo Treatments After First Rx Fails
Methotrexate is often the first choice of medication to treat rheumatoid arthritis (RA). When methotrexate alone doesn't do the trick, patients may take a combination of other medications. So, what's a good combination?
Take Charge After Childhood Cancer!
Thanks to advances in medicine, thousands of youngsters have fought and won the battle against childhood cancers. But thousands of long-term cancer victors are now living with the late effects of their treatments.
Being Big with an Early Baby
When a woman becomes pregnant, her health affects her and her baby both. Being overweight or obese can also play a part in how a woman's pregnancy goes.
Not Enough Oxygen May Hurt Your Heart
Not getting enough oxygen during sleep can cause problems. This is the situation for many untreated sleep apnea patients. And one of those problems could affect the heart.
Good Vibrations May Help Stroke Patients
After a stroke, a person may have difficulty moving an arm or leg due to brain damage. The FDA recently approved a muscle vibration device to help stroke patients regain that movement.
That Goal Can Mess With Your Head
Scoring a goal by heading the ball sure looks cool on TV. Heading in soccer is not known to cause any major injuries either. Why the concern then?