Health News

Washing Down Commercials with a Big Gulp
Watching TV has long been linked to snacking on the couch. But kids watching TV may be having more of another unhealthy item — sweetened drinks.
The Computer That Goes to Medical School
New cancer medications and tests are in the news every day. What if a computer could keep track of all this information and help doctors offer you the best possible treatment options?
Working Out The Wobbly Knees
Muscle strength is key to helping wobbly knees become more stable. And you have to exercise to get that muscle strength. But whether or not the exercise focuses on the knees might not matter.
Thinking of Suicide After Being Bullied
Bullying in schools has gained a lot of media attention due to the high number of teenage suicides in recent years. Many of these suicide victims were lesbian or gay victims of bullying.
Testing New Meds to Open Airways
Two main traits of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are a restricted airway and limited airflow to the lungs. While COPD is not reversible, medications can help patients breathe better.
Postpartum Depression in Women With PMS
Many women experience symptoms of depression after giving birth. Women that experience premenstrual syndrome (PMS) may have a higher risk for developing depression after delivery.
Seeing Cataracts Clearly
Most people may not know that cataracts are the leading cause of blindness worldwide. Fortunately, this clouding of the eye's lens can be cured by simple surgery.
Weighing in on Weight Surgery
For obese patients with diabetes, surgery that promotes weight loss may improve blood glucose levels, blood pressure and cholesterol, but the long-term results are debatable.
Whap to the Head No Matter the Age
When it comes to football, age doesn't protect an athlete from a concussion. Football practice and play still poses risks for head injury no matter the age.
Offbeat Heartbeat and an Aging Mind
Old age can bring with it a host of mental and physical issues, including heart conditions and cognitive problems such as dementia and memory troubles.