Health News

Falling Glucose, Foggy Thinking
Balanced blood sugar keeps energy circulating through the brain. Several studies have explored the effect of blood sugar levels on that major organ, which controls every other organ and aspect of the human body.
The Way to the Heart May Be the Wrist
Blocked arteries may be reopened through a catheter procedure. While traditionally the procedure has been carried out through the groin, access through the wrist may be a better route.
Sunscreen Buffers Skin Aging
Sunscreen helps prevent sunburns, but it may also help protect skin from sun-related aging. Regular use of sunscreen is recommended by skin doctors.
Waves Knock Swimmers into the ER
Splashing around in shallow water at the beach may seem low risk, but getting knocked down by a crashing wave can be very dangerous. Awareness and caution may be the key to safety.
FDA Rejects Potential Kidney Cancer Rx
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has altered its rules for approving cancer medications. The agency used to judge medications based on the time during which the cancer didn’t get worse (progression-free survival).
In Tune with Yoga and the Mind
The 'oms' and deep breaths with yoga can bring calmness and peace. And the focus can also make the brain sharper and respond faster.
Saving Limbs With Clogged Arteries
With peripheral arterial disease, plaque builds up in arteries, often in the legs. While patients are in danger of losing a limb, restoring blood flow can reduce the need for amputations.
Parental Patrol of the Cyber World
Internet is everywhere. With some strange, harmful things that can be lurking online, kids could be accessing that, too. Who should teach our young ones how to be safe in the cyber world?
Teens Must Take This to Heart
It is hard to get teenagers to do anything on a schedule. Taking their medications regularly following a heart transplant is no exception.
Many Designated Drivers Were Drinking
Designated driver does not mean "the most sober person in the group," but for many people that has been the case. Designated driver really means "the sober person in the group."