Health News

If It's Not Your First Concussion…
When girls and boys play hard, they sometimes get hurt. But a bump on the head is nothing to shrug off, especially if it's not the first concussion.
It Takes a Village for Kids to Lose Weight
If it takes a village to raise a child, does it take a village to keep that child from becoming overweight? What happens when people in the community create a program aimed at children?
Staying Fit to Stay Heart-Healthy
One part of keeping your heart healthy is keeping your arteries healthy. One thing that may help keep your arteries healthy is staying physically fit, even when you're still a teenager.
A Case for Delaying Cancer Screenings
As a general rule, both men and women are urged to get their first colon cancer screening at age 50. These screening guidelines and technology may be changing.
Unexplained Aches and Pains of Stress
Feeling a lot of stress day after day can take its toll over the years. Even without specific health conditions, excessive mental stress may be linked to unexplained aches and pains.
Shedding Pounds Between Babies
Being overweight while pregnant can increase several health risks. But after you have your baby, it's not too late to try to lose the pounds if you want to have another.
Real Talk for Oncologists
What if you had to tell someone that they were going to die? How would you do it — by preserving hope, but preparing this individual for the final transition?
A Healthy Heart to Keep Your Wits
Diabetes has been linked to dementia. But diabetes alone may not be the cause of this type of mental decline. Heart disease risk factors may be the real driver behind cognitive impairment.
Activity Level Among the Elderly Needs a Jump Start
It's a stalemate: men and women are equally active as they age. Exercise is no competition between the two genders, but activity level goes down rather than up.
Even Young Guys Have Erection Issues
Troubles with getting or keeping an erection have often been linked with older gentlemen. But the condition is happening more often to younger guys as well.