Health News

RA: Early To Treat, Have Symptoms Beat
In the past, doctors started rheumatoid arthritis treatment with medications that mainly dealt with symptoms. Now, doctors start with medications that attack the disease itself, a tactic confirmed once again by a new study.
Italy Discovers MERS Patients
The number of countries being affected by MERS-CoV (Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus), continues to grow, further putting officials worldwide on alert.
Veggie Eaters Live Longer, Study Says
Personal tastes determine what goes on many of our plates. But if longevity also is a concern, a new study suggests we’d fare better by dining on much less meat and many more vegetables.
The Musculoskeletal Matters of Statin Use
Statins are medications that can lower cholesterol and reduce the risk for heart disease. While these medications can be highly beneficial for many people, they can also lead to some nasty side effects.
Packing on the Baby Fat
Mom’s and dad’s habits, decisions and finances generally influence their offspring’s future. Childhood obesity, which is especially high among blacks and Latinos, also is a problem often shaped by parental choice and circumstance.
He's Lost That Youthful Feeling, Oh That Manly Feeling
Lots of men might be hesitant to ask the doc if they might have low testosterone. But an increasing number of prescriptions for some hormone replacement shows men could be opening up.
Some Antibiotics May Injure Male Kidneys
Antibiotics fight off a broad range of bacterial infections. In middle-aged and older men, however, certain kinds of antibiotics may cause the kidneys to start shutting down.
Babies Still Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'
A baby's first few years involve reaching several motor development milestones. One of these is rolling over. But have changes in sleep guidelines affected when kids first roll over?
Sweeter Breast Cancer Ride
The body’s lymph system is a super highway for cancer to travel to other locations. A new study may change the way physicians treat women whose early breast cancer has spread to the lymph nodes. And this change could make the after-cancer ride a whole lot sweeter.
Good News for Children's Lungs
Young children can become ill with a variety of respiratory infections. One common illness is bronchiolitis. The good news is that serious bronchiolitis rates may be going down.