Health News

Teenage Rx Abuse Continues
Teenagers have been using prescription medications for recreational purposes. Parents and teachers may be able convince teens that non-medical use of prescriptions is dangerous.
Cancer Clinical Trial Becomes Futile
Sometimes clinical trials have to be stopped because the therapy being tested does more harm than good. This is what happened in recent esophageal cancer study.
The Good, the Bad, and the 'Difficile'
There is such a thing as good bacteria. And they can be helpful when upset stomachs call for constant bathroom trips.
Smoking Aids Do Help Quitting
Not everyone is able to quit smoking cold turkey, and that’s okay. There are several available types of quit smoking aids that have been proven to work over the years.
Doubling Down on Flu Medication
Most cases of the flu don’t lead to more than a few days home from work, or sometimes a hospital stay. In some cases, however, the flu can cause major respiratory problems and even death.
CT Scans for Lung Cancer Screening
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States. Finding early signs of cancer can make a huge difference in treatment and survival.
Options for Long-Term Lupus Patients
Having a chronic illness means managing it over time to reduce its effects. Patients with lupus who properly manage their disease may be able to reduce its long-term impact.
‘Like’ Facebook, Dislike Thyself
Like traditional media, the Internet has been known to tout ‘ideals’ of female beauty. Teenagers who spend hours on the web every day may fall victim to body image issues. 
Towards New Treatments for Infant Cancer
Babies can be born with cancer that developed in the mother’s womb. One such cancer is a disease with a long name: infantile myofibromatosis (IM).
OTC Gels Ease Minor Toothaches
A recent clinical trial tested the effectiveness of two strengths of over-the-counter pain relieving gels for the temporarily ease the pain of a minor toothache. The results of this study found that both maximum and regular strength gels helped relieve toothaches compared to a benzocaine free gel. See a dentist for long-term toothaches. Elliot V. Hersh, MD, PhD, professor of pharmacology in the Department of Oral Surgery and Pharmacology at the School of Dental Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, led an investigation into the use of topical over-the-counter (OTC) gels to rel...