Health News

Overfeeding Infants Linked to Obesity
Most moms urge kids to finish what they are served. But good intentions might not always translate into good outcomes. 
Decisions, Decisions for Joint Pain Medicine
A number of medicines are available to ease joint pain and swelling from osteoarthritis. What factors go into a patient's choice of treatment?
New and Improved Leukemia Rx
Though more common in adults, acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is the second most common type of blood cancer in children. If untreated, the disease can be fatal in just a few months.  
Kids Near the Fastlane May Act Fast
Pollution can be a double negative. It's not so good for the lungs and, at the same time, it can make concentrating difficult for kids.
Reality Shows are Bad…and Good
Reality programming makes up more than half of all television shows today. Reality shows have been blamed for teenagers’ poor self-image and disconnect with the real world.  
What’s It Gonna Cost, Doc?
Have you ever wondered how much a medical test or procedure is going to cost? Have you wanted to talk to your doctor about costs, but were too afraid or embarrassed bring up the topic? If so, you’re like most Americans.
Novel Coronavirus on the Move
As health officials cope with concerns about bird flu in China, a different virus is putting experts on alert in other parts of the world.
Knowledge May Be The Key To Quitting
Understanding the health hazards of smoking may help more people to quit. Simplifying information about the dangers of smoking could make the truth accessible to more people.  
Teenage Pregnancies on the Decline
Most parents of teens share a similar fear – the fear of teenage pregnancy. However, fewer and fewer potentially young grandparents are seeing this worry become a reality.
Viewing the Breast in a Whole New Way
Mammography technology has just gotten a whole lot better, with less discomfort, less radiation and more precise views of breast tissue.