Health News

Looking for Gestational Diabetes Early
One of the complications pregnant women can develop is gestational diabetes. Finding out the risk for gestational diabetes as early as possible can help women and care providers manage it.
What to "Expect" With a Thyroid Disorder
There are several disorders associated with the thyroid gland in the neck. It controls how the body uses energy. When it is under- or overactive, a person may have a thyroid disorder.
Fighting Diabetes with Fish Oil
Fish oil is a popular dietary supplement in the US. Taking fish oil supplements may have several benefits, including prevention of type 2 diabetes. 
Even a Little Weight Loss May Help
Patients who have obstructive sleep apnea are at higher risk for a range of health concerns. If the patient is obese, one way to improve symptoms of sleep apnea may be to lose weight.
How Is ADHD Linked to Breastfeeding?
It's helpful to learn as much as possible about conditions like ADHD. However, sometimes learning more information requires being careful about what the information actually means.
Few Changes in GI Bleeding Causes
Vomit lined with blood and blood found in feces are signs of a major condition happening inside the body. But what causes that bleeding?
Parents' Age and Cancer Risks
If you’re the child of someone who lived to be 100 or more, you’re likely to live longer. It’s in the genes. Does a parent’s age affect cancer risks? New research points to "yes."
College Health 101: Depression & Anxiety
College may be an emotionally exciting and challenging time for students. But if these challenges prove overwhelming, students should seek help for any mental health issues they experience.
Depression Likelier in Abused New Moms
Bringing home a new baby is stressful on its own. But throw in the anxiety of an abusive relationship and depression may follow.
More Than One Way To Treat Depression
There are a bunch of different types of therapies available to help people with depression. Some may help more than others, but any of the therapies tested in a new study may be better than none.