Health News

Is it Time for an Eye Exam?
If you don't have vision problems and eye health isn't on the top of your mind, it can be easy for the years to pass by without ever visiting an eye doctor. But skipping these appointments could delay the discovery of serious conditions.
From Burning Wood to Burdensome Breathing
As summer approaches, you're probably not thinking about lighting up your fireplace. But here's something to think about the next time cold weather rolls through: burning wood in your home could be damaging your lungs.
When Romeo and Juliet Are Real Life
Few events are more tragic for a school to manage than a student's suicide. Talking to students about the death appropriately, however, might prevent additional suicides at the school.
Men Win Care Over Women
In some places, women receive more attention and care than men. But when it comes to seeking care for severe injuries, men may be likelier to get more attention at the hospital for the same injuries.
Predicting Death from Sleep Apnea?
Patients with sleep apnea stop breathing, off and on, throughout their sleep cycle, which isn't the best way of getting a good night's rest.
Unplanned Hospital Trips After GI Surgery
It's a major decision to go under the knife for surgery. For patients undergoing a gastrointestinal (GI) resection to remove abnormal or cancerous tissues, a lot of factors should be considered.
What's Keeping COPD Patients Down?
People with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) suffer from depression more often than others. As depression can worsen the health status of COPD patients, it's important to know which patients are most at risk.
Don't Make 'Em Like They Used To
Numbers of whooping cough cases have increased dramatically in the past several years. The biggest reason appears to be related to the newer vaccine for the disease.
When Tummy Aches End Up in the ER
Stomach aches are not uncommon among children. More serious abdominal pain, however, may lead parents to take their children to the emergency department.
More Organs for More Kids
Organs for transplants are always in high demand. As more people sign up to be donors and technology improves, however, more children are able to get the organs they need.