Health News

Hyperactive Now, Obese Later?
It is challenging enough to manage a mental or developmental disorder such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). But there may be long-term consequences to manage as well.
Asthma Bad For a Good Night's Sleep
Breathing easier is important to making it through the day and to a good night’s rest. Periodically and involuntarily not breathing during sleep is unfortunately common among people with asthma.
One Breath Says All About Kids' Weight
Kids' breath can tell a lot about what they ate or how well they care for their teeth. The molecules that make up their breath might also reveal whether they are at risk for being overweight or obese.
Coffee May Curb Liver Disease
A good cup of coffee kick starts the morning for many who favor that caffeine-fueled beverage. But its benefits don’t necessarily end there.
Lull in Bird Flu Doesn’t Mean the Storm Has Passed
Cases of bird flu in China have been keeping officials worldwide on edge for weeks as numbers of new patients steadily increased.
Magnets For Adults, Not For Kids to Eat
Magnets might be fun for your kids to play with, but it won't be any fun if they swallow a magnet and have to take a trip to the hospital. What's more, procedures to remove the magnets can come with more risks than other procedures.
Read Menu Labels, Make the Right Choices
Americans consume 400 additional calories everyday compared to their consumption in the year 1970, contributing to today’s obesity epidemic. Will menu labeling come to the rescue? Maybe, says a new study.
MRI Can Spot Hip Resurfacing Inflammation
Many surgeons today choose hip resurfacing over total hip replacement since it offers several advantages including higher patient satisfaction and better cost-effectiveness.
Pints Before Puberty Makes Risky Adults
Teens that start drinking before their bodies finish developing may wind up with a few bad drinking habits later in life. It’s no wonder there are laws prohibiting teens from drinking.
Smoke Makes Boozers Cloudy
Smoking can make people look like an older person, but can it make people think like an older person? Alcoholics that also smoke may be prematurely aging their brains.