Health News

Skip the Bacon and Sausage
Bacon is almost a staple in the American diet. But in Europe, consuming the juicy goodness along with other processed meats could lead to an early death.
World Crises Trigger More Heart Attacks
When this world starts to get you down, it could be increasing your risk of heart attack. New studies have found that hurricanes, war and economic crises may be bad for the heart.
Back Problems Linked To Job, Not Fitness
Back pain is more common among those who do not get enough exercise. But does exercise really matter to certain conditions like herniated lumbar disc disease?
Dance Out Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms
Past studies have shown the popular video game, Dance Dance Revolution (DDR), can help patients improve balance and mobility. Could this be a good treatment for multiple sclerosis (MS)?
ED Medication Didn’t Help Heart Failure Patients
A commonly prescribed medication for erectile dysfunction (ED) was thought to be a new hope for heart failure patients. But new research suggests otherwise. 
Does HRT Cause Breast Cancer or Not?
Women used to rely on hormonal replacement therapy (HRT)​ to calm the discomforts of menopause. Then a study linked HRT to breast cancer, and everything changed.
Another Cancer Linked to Night Shift Work
The body has a built-in time clock. When that clock is disrupted, problems can eventually arise. Working nights messes with the body’s clock and some women could be paying the price.
Pharmacists are Key Players on the Diabetes Team
While diabetes patients need a doctor’s care, they can also benefit from a team approach. Pharmacists, with their accessibility and medication expertise, can play a vital role.
Ladies, Go Light on the Dairy
Who doesn’t love a bowl of ice cream? Or cheese? What about a dollop of half and half to make that cup of coffee creamy and luscious? You may love these things, but your body might not.
The High Price of RA Employees
From treatments to doctor visits, living with a long-term disease like rheumatoid arthritis costs money. After taking a closer look, researchers found that there are also hidden costs to living with this disease.