Health News

Statins Reduce More Than Cholesterol
Statins are effective and popular cholesterol-lowering medications. But they also have some possible side effects, including memory loss and high blood sugar. Now lower testosterone may join the list.
Sparking HIV/AIDS Awareness in Women
The National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day was celebrated this week on March 10. To mark the day, various organizations joined together to boost public knowledge and understanding of the impact this disease has on women.
Weight Gain Vs. Continued Smoking
Among smokers, a common reason to not quit is the fear of gaining weight. While weight gain is a serious concern, continuing to smoke is a greater concern.
Thyroid Function and Cancer Survival
How cancer starts and grows is really a maze of biological wonder. So many things are involved. Now, researchers believe that the thyroid plays a role in the outlook of brain cancer patients.
Running for Your Hips
Running can be hard on the knees, but the same may not be true for the hips. In fact, running might protect the hip joint.
Ovarian Cancer Isn't Sweet
Ovarian cancer has been linked to genetics, environment and hormones. But scientists still aren’t totally sure whether diet and sugar may play a role too.
Activity for the Mind and Body
An active body can keep the mind active. And an active mind stays on top of its game no matter how much a person weighs.
Flu Shot Has Risks, But Still Worth It
One of the single best ways to avoid getting the flu is to get the flu shot. But some people worry about possible side effects from the shot.
Looking for Risk Factors in Brain Injury
About 10 million people experience a mild traumatic brain injury across the world each year. Understanding risk factors for these injuries may help with prevention.
Calling in the Cavalry for Depression Treatment
One of the most common ways to treat depression is through medication. When the standard medications don't help, doctors may prescribe different or stronger medications. Do they help?