AddictionsInfo Center
This Word Isn't on the Street
The number of stroke patients with a history of street drug use has risen more than nine fold in the past 13 years, according to a new study from the University of Cincinnati.
Reefer Madness
Psychotic illnesses may develop earlier in those who smoke marijuana compared to those who do not smoke the plant.
Are You Sad? I Can't Tell
Researchers have found that drug-abusers have trouble identifying negative emotions in the facial expressions of others.
Community Ties
Although past research has shown that children who grow up poor have an increased risk of developing health problems as adults, a new study has found that there is a good way to counter this.
Smoking on the Big Screen
Watching actors smoke in movies causes smokers' brains to prepare for a cigarette, according to a study that appears in the January 19 issue of The Journal of Neuroscience .
The New Gateway Drug
The illegal use of HGH (human growth hormone) by male weightlifters is a prevalent issue in the United States, according to a study that appears in the American Journal on Addictions .
Can't Get Enough of the Game
A team of international researchers has found that video game addiction is a growing problem that can lead to numerous psychological issues.
Don't Drink, Drink, Drink!
A recent editorial in the Canadian Medical Association Journal states that binge drinking is an excessively common practice in the United States.
Loosening Nicotine's Deadly Hold
A grant of over $8 million has been awarded to the Scripps Research Institute and the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine to help develop anti-addiction drugs for tobacco users.
Why Smoking Calms Schizophrenia
Smoking may actually have a positive affect on brain function in people with schizophrenia, prompting scientists to study the brain receptors influenced by nicotine.