AddictionsInfo Center
Taking the Fun Out of Drinking
Naltrexone’s success in treating alcoholisim lies in its ability to block the feelings of euphoria alcohol provides to a significant number of alcoholics.
No Need to Take a Drag?
Patients who get lung cancer as a result of years of cigarette smoking have often tried (and failed) to quit on multiple occasions.
Those who are able to suddenly and successfully quit after decades of smoking may be able to do so from a sinister cause.
Smoking Complicates Diabetes
Most smokers with diabetes know they have high blood sugar levels. Until recently, researchers did not know which cigarette ingredient was causing blood sugar to rise. A new study shows that nicotine may be the cause.
You Can't Stop Yourself
Earlier this year, a French man claimed that the drugs he was taking for Parkinson's disease made him addicted to gambling. Adding support to these claims, a new study shows that Parkinson's drugs can lead to impulse control problems.
Spring Break, Bro!
Every year, college students around the U.S. plan to party hard during spring break. The understandings that these students have with their friends about alcohol and sex are predictors of their behavior.
You're Still Drunk, Dummy
As the FDA and state governments are cracking down on the sale of caffeinated alcoholic beverages, a recent article outlines the extent of the public health problem posed by such beverages.
Drinking Early Leads to Drinking Later
The Rutgers Alcohol Problem Index (RAPI) is used to evaluate adolescent drinking related problems. A new study shows that RAPI is not only an effective screening method but also a predictor of alcoholism.
Second-Hand Smoke Does It Again
Past studies have shown that women smokers have a higher risk of cervical cancer. Now, new research shows that second-hand smoke may damage cells in a woman's cervix, increasing her risk of cervical cancer.
Don't Miss a Beat
A meta-analysis of 14 studies has led researchers to believe that even moderate alcohol consumption can contribute to atrial fibrillation, or irregular heart beat.
Pass Out Hard, Sleep Lightly
For decades, researchers have known that alcohol can affect your quality of sleep. Now, a new study shows that the alcohol disrupts the quality of sleep in healthy women more than in healthy men.