CancerInfo Center
Dual Blockers Tackle Oral Cancer
Oral cancers are on the rise, due in part to the fact that the HPV virus is spreading its menace. A drug that’s being studied in phase 3 clinical trials may tackle the cancer before it gets started.
Commonly Used Blood Test Predicts Cancer Risk
There are certain risk factors for liver cancer that are well-known, including infection with the hepatitis B and C virus. But for the general population, there really isn’t an effective screen – until now.
Don’t Let Bladder Cancer Get You Down
Bladder cancer is certainly no picnic. But, maintaining a healthy emotional state may play a big role in recovering from it.
Overweight Troubles for Kids With Cancer
Being overweight affects a person's ability to live, children included. And for a child with cancer, the extra pounds can add more strain on the treatments.
Prostate Surgery Can Lead to Eye Injury?
At first thought, it may seem difficult to see the connection between prostate surgery and eye injury. You might first think, “Are prostate surgeons that far off target?”
Red Meat For Bladder Cancer
High red meat consumption has been associated with increasing a person’s risk of particular cancers. Another form of the disease has been added to the list.
Lesbians & Cervical Cancer Screening
All sexually active women could be exposed to risk factors for cervical cancer, lesbian and heterosexual women alike. Cervical cancer screening is important for all women.
Stomach Cancer Up Close
More than ever before, scientists are focusing on the genetic mutations as the root cause of cancer. Stomach cancer treatments may focus on specific gene mutations for best results.
Multivitamins Cut Men’s Cancer Risks
The controversy swirling around vitamins in general will probably always be heated. Some believe taking vitamins and minerals results only in expensive urine. A new study flushes that theory down the toilet.
When Cancer Drug Trials Are Flawed
Chemotherapy drugs like docetaxel stop or slow cancer cell growth. Adding another medication to the chemo that blocks blood vessel growth may help patients live longer.