CancerInfo Center
Check Out That Body
Sunscreen and shade do help with protecting the skin, but that's only part of the process. Keeping a close eye on those moles and spots is sometimes farther down the checklist.
Hacking Into A Cancer Network
Some cancers tend to reappear after treatment. Liver cancer is one of them, and at this point, there’s no way to prevent this from happening. An early study has discovered a network of molecules that could be hacked into to keep liver cancer from developing.
Tech Helps Elderly Cancer Patients Live Longer
Cancer can be one of the most difficult things to live with, and for those fighting it at 80, treatments can be even more trying.
Nabbing Oral Cancer Before It Develops
Diagnosing cancer that occurs in the mouth – oral cancer – generally happens later rather than earlier. A biopsy is usually performed on already established tumors. Testing mouth lesions before cancer starts shouting would be ideal.
What 132 Billion Data Points Per Patient Mean
Whole genome sequencing, or WGS , spells out all 3 billion letters in the human genome. It’s being used now to learn more about pancreatic cancer, and the findings may change the outlook for this disease.
New Generation of Ovarian Cancer Drugs?
Ovarian cancer tends to respond to treatment initially. Then the disease becomes resistant to the drugs being used and returns. A new type of drug currently being studied may change this lethal trend.
Two Too Hard On Soft-Tissue Cancers
Cancers that appear in the soft tissues of the body are very rare. In fact, they are seen in only about 5 people out of every 100,000. A recent study looked at the best way to treat this cancer.
Drug Fails to Prolong Cancer Patient Lives
A drug often used to treat kidney and liver cancer may also fight a type of lung cancer. New research, though, shows that it does not extend the lives of lung cancer patients.
Exercise Away Diabetic Breast Cancer
Some studies have linked diabetes to an increased risk of breast cancer. It is also known that exercise is key to preventing and managing diabetes. So, can exercise also lower the risk of breast cancer in diabetic women?
Barcoding Prostate Cancer
You know what a barcode looks like – with the lines and numbers that are scanned for just about anything you buy these days. This graphic model may be used to better detect aggressive prostate cancers.