CancerInfo Center

Battle Scars of Children who Beat Cancer
Beating cancer is wonderful for a child who can now live a full life. But some children who overcome cancer experience emotional scars from their experience with the disease.
Using Robots to Help Surgeons is Expensive
The use of robotic-assisted surgery is only a few years old, and some surgeons have taken a real shine to having a previously unknown level of precision and control during an operation.
One-Two Melanoma Knockout Punch
Since basic research is made public, companies try to edge out the competition in other ways, trying combination therapies and slightly varying molecular structures for cancer drugs targeting the same mutations. 
Home Run for Pediatric Cancer Drug
An early study looking at a treatment for cancers involving a certain gene mutation had better results than expected, with findings showing that no traces of cancer are detectable in some of the patients in the drug trial.
Family Feud's Richard Dawson Dies of Cancer
He was the distinguished Brit with a sexy laugh who like to kiss contestants and knew how to keep people working together. Richard Dawson, the host of the game show "Family Feud" has died of complications from esophageal cancer.
A Trojan Horse for Brain Cancer
Blood flow is critical for cancer growth, especially in the brain, where cells are unable to survive without high levels of oxygen. Several drugs known as vascular endothelial growth factor ( VEGF ) inhibitors target this vulnerability.
Gynecological Cancer Radiation Advancement
Radiation therapy of any type can be a lengthy, involved process - often requiring daily treatments over a matter of weeks.
Desperate Housewives's Kathryn Joosten Died
Mrs. McClusky  was the cranky, crusty and lovable older lady, who always had a wisecrack for the "Desperate Housewives" of Wisteria Lane.
GERD, Inflammation and Esophageal Cancer
It might begin as occasional heartburn. Later, the heartburn becomes more consistent. Then it becomes more serious as gastroesophageal reflux disease ( GERD ).
Global Cancer Explosion
The number of cancer deaths in the United States has been sliding recently, as has the incidence of many types of the disease. The same can't be said for global cancer trends.