CancerInfo Center

Bread and Brain Cancer
One of the most important parts of medical science in pregnancy has been showing the effects of the maternal environment on the developing child. 
Using Nanocrystals, The Big Picture of Tiny Images
Size isn't always the best indicator of danger when it comes to cancer, and a lot of imaging technology like MRIs and CT scans use different tricks to get the best picture possible of tiny tumors.
Different Prostate Cancer Discovered
Recent genetic studies on prostate cancer have found an entirely new variation that does not follow the normal pattern and could represent an entirely different sort of cancer.
Cancer Cart Before the Horse
The last few decades have seen an incredible growth in the number and kinds of drugs used to treat cancer, including entirely new classes of drugs outside traditional chemotherapy.
Schizophrenia Drug Counteracts Leukemia
Scientists have long observed that the same molecule can have a variety of different functions in the body depending on where it is at that moment.
Sex & Prostate Cancer
Not only is prostate cancer tough, the toll it takes on sexual function doesn’t make things any easier. A little support from peers and professionals can help.
More Doesn't Always Mean Better Surgery
Does volume equate to quality? If a hospital performs more surgeries, it stands to reason that patient outcomes are better, right? Not necessarily.
Psychology Behind the Prostate Cancer Test
Scientists have piles of data showing that people simply don't understand or care about statistics.  Most people find numbers un-intuitive.
Throat Cancer Patients Take Heart
Most early throat (larynx) cancers are easily treated with laser surgery or radiation. Treating advanced throat cancers is a whole different story with a better ending these days.
Healthy Grilling This Holiday
As you make plans for your Memorial Day barbecue, maybe you'll want to grill something other than the usual hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken and steaks. Instead, if you want to keep this a really healthy holiday, consider grilling some veggies.