CancerInfo Center
Identifying Aggressive Leukemia
There are two main types of chronic lymphocytic leukemia, and knowing whether a patient has the aggressive or the slow version is very important to determine treatment early on.
Electronically Cleansed Colon Screening
If you've ever had a colonoscopy, you know about the colon emptying routine. It can be unpleasant. A new screening technology eliminates the need for all that eliminating.
The Origins of Leukemia
Leukemia can be very different from person to person, even within the same type of cancer. Scientists thought they understood how leukemia begins, but it may be more complicated than we thought.
Beta Blockers Don't Block Colorectal Cancer
Beta blockers, which are used to treat high blood pressure, block the action of a stress hormone. And this hormone can encourage cancer cells to grow and spread.
Cancer's Link Behind Sun Damage
An important part of the scientific process is trying to figure out why common sense beliefs are true. Observing that sun damage and sun burn seemed to cause melanoma still needed solid proof.
Predicting Prostate Cancer's Return
The current most widely used test for detecting and monitoring prostate cancer, known as prostate specific antigen (PSA), has a lot of room for improvement for detecting new cancers.
HPV-Related Throat Cancers Fare Better
The human papilloma virus (HPV) has surpassed smoking, drinking and poor diet as the leading cause of oral cancers in this country.
New research is showing that people with HPV oral cancers have a better outlook than those whose oral cancers are not caused by HPV.
Findings from a review of a large Danish database suggest that people with HPV-positive oropharyngeal (throat) cancer who are light smokers can be treated with radiotherapy alone and don't need chemotherapy.
These folks also had a better overall outcome than people with HPV-negative throat cancer.
Talk to your doctor ...
Thyroid Cancer Rx Adverse Effects
Patients with advanced medullary thyroid cancer ( MTC ) have few treatment options. A medication approved last year has expanded the options. All is not well, though. The drug has adverse effects that can interfere with its use.
Does Aspirin Lower Cancer Risk?
Recent news that aspirin performs as well as the blockbuster blood thinning drug Plavix , may not be the crowning achievement of this respected drug.
Chemotherapy? Just For The Tumor, Please
Chemotherapy is effective for cancers that have spread out, but that's a double edged sword. You don't want the drugs harming cells in places without cancer, so it would be nice if you could direct it a little.