CancerInfo Center

Inequality Among Women with Cancer
Chief Medical Officer and Executive Vice President of the American Cancer Society, Otis Brawley , MD, is also the author of How We Do Harm - A Doctor Breaks Ranks About Being Sick in America.
No Harmless Meds After All
Over the counter medications like Advil, Tylenol, and other pain relieving drugs are found in many households, and are generally considered safe when used properly.
Math, the Ultimate Cancer Fighter
We live in an increasingly data driven era, where the judgment of your doctor comes from thousands of patients with similar symptoms.
Run Forrest Run!
You remember the scene in "Forrest Gump" where his friend Jenny urges him to "Run Forrest run!" to get away from a pesky group of kids. He takes off, the braces that have been shackling him fly off. And he's free.
Slather on the Sunscreen
For years now we've been told to use sunscreen to protect ourselves from too much sun and most importantly skin cancer. Well it turns out one of the ingredients in those lotions could actually be increasing the risk of developing skin cancer. Uh oh.
Barcode Scanning for Oral Cancers
Oral cancers that can appear anywhere in the mouth are tricky to detect. By the time they are found, these cancers can be advanced and tougher to treat. A new device that uses barcode scanning technology could change this whole dynamic.
Younger More Ferocious Breast Cancer
Though still rare, when breast cancer shows up in women in their 30s , it's not a kinder, gentler form of the disease. Quite the opposite. Scientists are beginning to understand why this is and what interventions might calm its cruelty.
Removing Lymph Nodes with Thyroid Cancers
Cancer surgery is a fine line between removing too little and leaving cancer behind, and removing too much at cost to the patient's quality of life.
The Double Life of MCL-1
Figuring out the molecular puzzles that can change a healthy cell to a cancer cell would be difficult even if you could watch the process happen.
Seesawing Between Breast and Colon Cancers
When a woman has a baby, the cells of her unborn child circulate in her body for decades after childbirth. Likewise, some of her cells are in the body of her child for years, too. This is called microchimerism .