CancerInfo Center
Wonder Drug for Colon Cancer?
It's one of the most common, widely available and inexpensive drugs on the market. These days aspirin is being studied for its potential power to relieve a great deal more than headaches.
Detecting Oral Cancer
Oral cancer - which occurs in any part of the mouth - is one of the most common cancers in India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and other parts of South Asia. But diagnosing the disease is hampered by the fact that there are very few dentists in these areas.
Testing for Brain Cancer
There's nothing simple about brain surgery, and even a minor biopsy carries substantial risks. To get around these dangers, using a spinal tap to analyze cerebrospinal fluid may soon be a viable method of diagnosing brain cancers.
A study published recently showed that analysis of microRNA levels in cerebrospinal fluid proved to be a quick, effective tool for diagnosing brain cancers.
Researchers found that this tool could also monitor the effectiveness of cancer treatment.
Ask your oncologist about microRNA analysis.
A joint venture between Brigham and Women's Hospital and ...
Softer Surgery for Pancreatic Cancer
Increasingly, surgeons are using specialized tools to perform operations. Laparoscopic surgery - sometimes called "minimally invasive surgery" - uses tiny tubes and cameras that help the surgeon have better visibility of and access to certain areas.
Red Flag Warning: Supplements for Cancer Prevention
Half of all Americans take at least one dietary supplement with the belief that it enhances health and may prevent disease. Yet when it comes to cancer prevention, high-dose supplements may cause more harm than good, according to a recent analysis.
"Hispanic Paradox" Extends to Lung Cancer
Hispanic cancer patients tend to outlive white or black patients with the same disease. This phenomenon is known as "The Hispanic Paradox."
Fattening up Liver Cancer Risks
Childhood obesity is now a global epidemic, and with it comes increased disease risks both in children and adults. Having an abundant body as a child is now linked even to cancer.
"White Russian" Roulette: Drinking & Breast Cancer
One day you hear red wine is good for you. The next day you read that any alcohol is bad for you. To add fuel to the flame of confusion, new research shows a possible link between alcohol and increased breast cancer - but this may or may not be so for you.
Esophageal Cancer is Allergic to Strawberries
Food as medicine is a concept that continues to evolve. We've learned how a number of foods, such as cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, kale, etc.) contain compounds that can help prevent and fight cancer.
Breast Cancer Actually 10 Different Diseases
Breast cancer is one type of malignancy - right? Wrong. New research has found that the most predominant cancer in women - outside of skin cancer - actually is ten different diseases.