CancerInfo Center
A Double Negative Effect on Lymphoma
Cancer cells are extremely versatile and adaptable. They find ways to wiggle out of any attempts to restrain them. Researchers are working with the very mechanism that cancer uses to avoid death to develop a potentially powerful therapy for lymphoma.
Billionths of a Meter Cancer Drugs
Nanomedicine is the latest answer to the ancient dilemma of finding the best way to deliver a drug. Skipping the stomach with intravenous drugs is one shortcut, but getting a drug from the bloodstream into a cell is even more complicated.
Guiding Women's Cancer Prevention Steps
Did you know that if you're at high risk of developing breast cancer, there are drugs you can take to cut your risks in half? Would it be helpful for you to have a computer program that could guide you as you decide what's best for you?
Harnessing Double Edged Sword Powers
We think of the immune system as our body's white knight - our protector from invaders. It turns out that this knight has a deadly side as well. Early research indicates a way of harnessing both powers could lead to new healing therapies.
Metastasis Free Prostate Cancer Drug
One of the largest risks of cancer development is metastasis. A new prostate cancer drug in early stages of development has shown the ability to shut down metastasis entirely.
Boosting Pancreatic Cancer Chemotherapy
In the latest re-evaluation of pancreatic cancer chemotherapy, recent research concluded that using the standard drugs alongside some less well known supplements as a booster improved treatment results.
Getting to Know Your Ovarian Cancer Type
Knowing what kind of cancer you have is not as simple as you might think. In the case of ovarian cancer, a molecular test can now find out the specifics so that your treatment can be individualized.
Get a Test, any Test
While colonoscopy remains the best possible screening test for colorectal cancer, any test at all is better than none. A recent study looked at who is actually having cancer screening tests.
New Life - But What About Sex?
Beating colorectal cancer can be rejuvenating when a man can enjoy life more fully again. But if he experiences erectile dysfunction from his treatment, he may not know where to turn.
From Fish to Pharmacy
Genetic experiments have come a long way from growing peas. A new line of testing created a zebrafish with cells that can glow under certain conditions, which helps scientists figure out what drug is the best at killing cancer cells.