CancerInfo Center
Anti-Cancer Combo: Caffeine + Exercise
Is coffee good for you or bad for you? More precisely, is caffeine helpful or hurtful to your health? It's been a steaming hot debate for years. A new study suggests that sipping away could nip away at your cancer risks.
Diabetes Drug may be Liver Cancer Hard Hat
People with diabetes are often prescribed metformin , a drug that actually does most of its work in the liver. This very mechanism could extend the usage of this drug as a possible cancer treatment.
Smokeless Tobacco not Cancer-less
While smoking tobacco has declined recently, the use of smokeless tobacco - sometimes called snuff - has been increasing since 2009. This tobacco is without question less harmful than cigarettes, but is by no means safe. Scientists now know why.
Young Women Developing Melanoma
There's an alarming cancer trend. While other forms of the disease are decreasing, one type is going through the roof. Melanoma incidence is increasing in dramatic numbers among young people, and it is mostly preventable.
Arthritis and Cancer Spread may be Linked
Inflammation is at the heart of so many conditions, including cancer. This is a well-established fact. A recent study shows that arthritis and breast cancer spread (metastasis) may also be linked.
Different Leukemia, Different Treatment
Many genetic changes are involved in any given cancer, but some changes are very important to consider for chemotherapy. Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is an example of a cancer where treatment can vary widely depending on the genetics involved.
Tracing Prostate Cancer Spread
Tracking the progress of cancer is tricky business. A new imaging technology may change that for men with prostate cancer in a novel and noninvasive way.
Diabetes Rx may Slow Prostate Cancer
Metformin is usually and commonly prescribed for diabetes. Research continues to show this medication may have a number of other uses, including slowing cancer growth.
Ovarian Cancer Responds!
Chemotherapy usually is most effective in attacking and killing fast-growing cancer cells. That's why it's not particularly useful in treating slow-growing ovarian cancers. Researchers are working to overcome this.
Vit D may Take gas Pedal off Prostate Cancer
Lately, vitamin D has been a darling natural supplement for a number of health conditions and illnesses. These findings haven't been without controversy, though. A new study looks at vitamin D and prostate cancer.