CancerInfo Center

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Gene
Cancer research in genetics can get quite complicated. The presence of a gene commonly involved in the cancer process does not mean that it is active in that person, or at that time.
Stemming the Return of Leukemia
Since the advent of targeted therapies, chronic myeloid leukemia ( CML ) has become easier to treat. And while the drugs usually put people into remission, the disease can return with full fury.
Taller, Heavier Ovarian Cancer Risks
Ovarian cancer is one of the most mysterious forms of the disease, because it's usually discovered quite by surprise. So any new understanding about the disease is important to know. An international study provides new clues.
Diabetes Combo Therapy Attacks Melanoma
Along with breast cancer, BRAF mutations are found in certain melanoma tumors. New studies suggest that a novel combination drug therapy can keep these tumors from completing their potentially deadly mission.
The Big Book of Cancer Cells
At its core, cancer starts when things go wrong at the genetic level. Cells that have been removed from tumors and cultured in the lab become cultured cell lines, which are essential to research.
Living Longer With Diabetes and Cancer
About 80 percent of people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer also have diabetes. While it's known that the two diseases are linked, the exact nature of this association remains unclear.
Another win for Metformin
Metformin , a drug used to control type 2 diabetes, has been in the news a great deal lately because it appears to have anti-cancer qualities. A number of cancers seem to respond to metformin , with the latest being oral cancer.
Annual Mammograms may not be Enough
In the constantly swirling debate about breast cancer screenings, recommendations are always changing. The controversies surround age to start mammograms, frequency and whether to have mammograms at all.
Breaking the Spread of Bone Cancer
The most common form of bone cancer in kids is osteosarcoma . If it's caught and treated earlier, the outlook is pretty good. If it has spread to the lungs, the prospects aren't so good. A team of researchers may have found a life-saving way to prevent this cancer from moving.
Weighing Heavy on Prostate Cancer Return
Having excess pounds compromises the health and well-being of men, women and children. This fact has been proven time and again. Being overweight or obese not only increases one's risk of most chronic diseases, it also complicates recovery.